Name in which you would like to be called: Drana
Other name(s) you don't mind: Adriana..It's my name!!,,
Why did you come to the SH? My
First thought that just popped into your head: Why is the water soooo cold????
Other things we all need to know about you (this can, but isn't necessary, include age and whereabouts, ect): I am 16,,about to be 17 in 1 week and 4 days...I love random things,, I'll find nifty things and put em' in my room...I'm weird but I'm awesome like that...I'm also a new GRYFFINDOR
__________________ WelcometoMystery
Last edited by WelcometoMystery; 12-07-2010 at 05:11 AM.
Reason: Wrong colored font..again!