Thread: Harry Potter: The Bittersweet - Sa13+
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Old 12-06-2010, 11:33 PM   #114 (permalink)
princess of*hp*
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Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Amadeus Alfred Kipling
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“But all I have in my handbag is chocolate," Ariel had this completely serious face on, now - a can-you-not-understand-the-unimportance-of-the-contents-of-my-handbag? face."Don't tell me you're planning to eat that instead of Ruby's lipstick." She smiled all brightly.
Cheeky girl. I like it. But really, poor thing. At least she didn't have anything too embarrassing in her handbag, like a photo of her crush or something. AWKWARD, that would've been.

And... VOLDEMORT'S KINDA BACK?! *O* I love that snugglebear! -strokes dark mark- He's even gotten festive for the holidays! See? -points down the post-
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