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Old 12-06-2010, 11:43 AM
Con_Stripes Con_Stripes is offline
Default Truebridge's Office

The first thing you notice about this office is the exceptionally large and familiar desk, which, if you look closer; seems to have unusual scuffmarks on its surface. Perhaps it serves a less mundane purpose than simply a desk? A large and comfortable looking chair sits behind it; obviously this is Ethan’s chair though you will rarely find him sitting in it unless you've arranged to meet him here or he happens to be marking homework.

Three smaller, yet no less comfortable looking chairs are arranged facing the desk, ready for any visiting students to take a seat. While waiting you might notice a large bookcase along one wall brimming with photo frames. Pictures of Ethan in his days as a student at WADA (if you look closely at the one on the left, you might recognize a former Hogwarts staff member shuffling a pack of cards and doing one of those hit-with-the-ladies grins that former rockstars are quite good at) , one of him as a serious looking thirteen year old in Slytherin robes, a selection of him a few years ago with various dragons in the background, several cosy looking pictures with Anastasia Bunbury, a recent picture of himself with ex-professors formerly known as Lawsons, one of him on a muggle sailing ship, one of himself with a gaggle of Avalons including former Healer Caroline Avalon and former Gryffindor student Tobias Avalon, another on stage dressed in tights and holding a skull, a picture of himself with two of his former students (Dominic Denton and Copernicus Kettleburn), another several years old, of him rock-climbing with Jake (who was Upstead at the time) and one of him in Egypt working with curse breakers. There are several priceless items including a remarkably intact looking Egyptian wand, a dragon-sized harness and an early sneakoscope set in plain view.

There are two huge bookcases brimming with dusty looking tomes, several lanterns floating about and heavy velvet drapes cover the windows. These drapes like to change colours, seemingly at random, though in truth they work somewhat like a mood ring, picking up on the vibe of the room. They're edged in rune symbols.

An old looking gramophone sits on the bookcase with a selection of records stacked haphazardly to one side, various eras of music are represented; of both the wizarding and the muggle variety. On the walls his OWL and NEWT results are proudly displayed alongside certificates proclaiming his knowledge and familiarity with various Dragon breeds, as well as a far more crisp looking certificate from the Wizarding University in Cairo where he spent a year teaching magical and dead languages.

There is a floo to one side of the room, the entire thing is covered in red etched bindrunes and rune charms which almost thrum under your fingertips if you happen to touch them. They won't hurt you but they won't let you use the floo without knowing how to deactivate them either. No in. No out. As per usual, the wards and charms protecting the office are substantial, and many are particularly subtle. They won't be activated unless Truebridge is not here.

There is no need to wait outside the office unless Truebridge asks you to, You must knock and wait to be addressed before entering or you risk losing house points for being disrespectful.

Originally Posted by ooc
Please have your character knock before entering and wait until they are addressed by Professor Truebridge. He will either invite you in, ask you to wait outside, or to come back later.

Don't clog this thread up with chatter unless it happens to be with Professor Truebridge. Talk to your friends on your own time.

Any questions or if you wish to arrange an 'appointment' for anything at all (even just because you want to RP) feel free to PM me.