Hello ~Otty! OK don't worry, NO REPLIES EXPETED. But, can we still comment? (If we keep it short? I promise I'll try to.

VM or PM me with your answer.
"Well ..." the elf began to reply but was cut short by the sound of a giant explosion coming from the mechanics shop down the street. Holly laughed. She started running in the direction of the smoke and Finn ran even faster after her.
I know of whom explosions reminds me of.
"Of course Voldemort is on the naughty list, Doris."
So funny! Very funny! The whole paragraph.
Here's a hint newby. If they're politicians they're automatically on the naughty list, regardless of country or party."

That's the safest way to handle that.
Santa Claus sighed. He had been going over his choices in his head and he had narrowed it down to the two likeliest candidates to help save Christmas. "Its either Batman or Ottery " <---> "On second thought ... get me a direct line to Hogwarts."
Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ottery and Teddy to the rescue. Christmas will be saved.

That's not spilt milk. It's just an assumption on my part. There I'm done, and it wasn't to long was it. (Don't answer that.

) I'll be watching for the next post.