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Old 12-04-2010, 03:05 PM   #14 (permalink)
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 2,689
It's perfectly okay to be a little loony ♥

thanks everyone!!!! Ok, here's chapter 3...

Parvati Patal was ticked off. Her best friend was too busy being grateful about life to notice her. She wouldn't even gossip. In fact, when Parvati made a joke about Hermone Granger's frizzy hair (something Lavendar usually found hilarious) Lavendar went all stiff and said Parvati was being stupid and mean.
Parvati longed for someone else but no-one other than Lavendar was much a fan of her. She considered using the chocolate frog cards her and Padma, her twin, got for their eleventh birthday to contact Padma but decided against it.
Lavendar was sooo busy being smitten with Ron Weasley, a poor redhead who was levels below Lavendar's standards, she forgot to remember he was not her boyfriend.
That was why Parvati arranged a double blind date. Two Slytherins their age that Pansy Parkinson had told her were 'divinely clever and gorgeous'.
"LaLa," Paravti moaned in an annoyingly chirpy manner.
Lavendar turned around to look at Parvati. Parvati spotted a grinning photograph of Ron on Lavendar's lap. Lavendar probably had had her brother, Basil, steal it.
"What?" Replied Lavendar drily.
"Guess what I did!!!"
"Nah, I'll just wait for you to tell me."
Parvati was not distraught by Lavendar's dullness. "Ok, I set us up on a double date!"
"With Ron for me and... Dean Thomas for you? You liked him in Third Year..."
Paravti blushed. She thought Lavendar had forgotten. "No, not Dean Thomas for me." She snapped. "And not that grimy ginge 'n' tonic for you either. I set us up on a blind date."
Lavendar leaped to her feet. "WHAT?!" She shouted. "NO! No, you know I like, um, moonstones." She looked around to make sure evryone thought that was what she liked. She lowered her voice. "You know I like Ron!"
Parvati tossed a strand of thick ebony hair behind her shoulder. "Don't be daft, LaLa. Isn't obvious he's taken? That frizzy swotty brunette is all over him. Her-Mee-Own?"
"Hermione doesn't like Ron!" Scoffed Lavendar flicking her wrist, as if to swat the idea away.
'No?" Parvati mused. "You must know, LaLa, everyone does. She's always fixing his collar, and rubbing stains off his clothes and smoothening his red hair." Parvati spoke as if these were all criminal offenses.
"STOP CALLING ME LALA!" Shrieked Lavendar. "JUST STOP. And I'll have you know I won't be going on a date with you and two strange boys, not now, not EVER!"
Parvati held Lavendar's upper arm and pulled her across the grounds and to the darkest corner off the North Courtyard. Parvati spread a tartan blanket, and sat down. On her lap was a basket from which she took a powerful candle, crockey, cuttlery and food which ironically happened to be the exact same as the dinner eaten yesterday night in the Great Hall.
After ten minutes waiting, two figures showed up in the courtyard. As they approached the girls, Lavendar could see their faces.
The first was Vincent Crabbe, the second Gregory Goyle.
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