Thread: Harry Potter: A Year Without Rain - Sa13+
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Old 12-04-2010, 03:43 AM   #39 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Gemma Rose Black
First Year

Originally Posted by J-E-L-L-O View Post
I hate Lily!!!!!!!!!!!

^This was so cocky an annoying
Scorpius and Rose are so cute
Great Post!!!!
Please post more soon!
I hate her too
Hahah here ya go

Last time~Scorpius grabbed my arm and disapperates us both.

When I regind vision I saw we were outside a small, yet fancy restraunt. I looked down at my tattered jeans and hoodie sweatshirt. I looked at Scorp and frowned. "I can't go in dressed like this!"

"You won't have to, Rose." He smiled, my smile and waved his wand at me. When I looked down I was wearing a red short dress and my hair was pulled into a neat bun.

"Thank you." I glanced at the clock tower. I had to get word to my mother. Scorp seemed to understand. He smiled at me and kissed my cheek then turned and walked into the restraunt.

I walked down an alley, my heels tapping on the stone street. I pulled my wand out of my bag.

My beautiful wolf sprung from my wand. She wagged her tail and I smiled. "Ready, girl?" I asked. The wolf barked happily. "Gone with Scorp to a restraunt. Please keep Cali for a little longer. I'm sorry." I whispered and after I had finished, the wolf disappered to deliver the message to my mother.

I walked back towards the restraunt. Scorp was waiting for me. He grinned when he saw me. "They found us a table." He put and arm around my wait and lead me to a table in the back.

I took a seat and tilted my head. "Start explaining Scorp."

He sighed and looked at me. "Do you really want to know?" I nodded. Again he sighed. Scorpius ran his hand through his snow blonde hair. "Well right after school let out I had plans. For us." He blushed. "But..As you know I became an Auror. The job was pretty simple.. but then the Minister of Magic got a letter from the African Minister, saying they were being attacked by unknown dark magic users. They needed help so Kingsley sent me, Harry, Ron, Blaise, Teddy, Bill and a few others. Once we reached Africa we found the place in ruins. There was barley a sign of life." Scorpius paused. I remember Harry and dad leaving. But I hadn't realiazed all of the others left as well. I felt ashamed that I didn't put two and two together.

"Anyway. The African Minister was still alive and he explained everything to us. He said that some of his people were rebeling against the Ministry and had killed or taken most of the others. They had already asked help from everywhere else and finally he asked us. The new war had been going on for awhile."

"What happened to you, Scorp?" I asked looking at him. There was a deep sadness in his eyes.

"I faced my greatest fears Rosie. I watched as people were killed in front of me. Babies were killed just because they couldn't defend themseves. 'The strong survive and the weak fall.' That's what they said Rose!" Scorpius cried out. I looked at him full on. I looked past his beautiful exterior and found the inner Scorp. He was sad, alone and scared.

"Harry and them went home but I stayed with a new team. I wouldn't give up. I couldn't." He looked at me, pleading me to understand.

"I know, Scorp. You have a big heart. It sometimes is good but other times it can hurt you. But you know what?" I smiled at him. "I fell in love with you because of your big heart." Scorpius looked at me and the corner of his lips twitched. Ha! It was a smile! It counts.

"Your mum told me." He said suddnely. I frowned. "About the baby. I want to come straight home but before I could they caught me. They erased my memories. The last of my team had to bring me home and take me to the hospital. I wanted to see you as soon as I regained my memories, which was painful! The Healer's wouldn't let me go. I escaped and that's when I first saw your daughter."

I smiled. Then forwned. Something wasn't adding up. "What about Lily? You kissed her."

"Ahh yes..Let's see..."

Love it, Hate it, Don't get it?
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