Hello Maxie.
Ariel, petting the kitten's head and slooowly telling it that yes, everything was fine and no, it did not need to worry [the kitten decided this human either had no brains, or did not know anything about boos and scares and Halloween] referred to him, in some bright corner of her mind, as the big, bad leader - exchanged glances that, all three of them realized, seemed far from angered or evil. Confused? They had no time to ponder over this, as the man at the front raised an eyebrow, and directed his gaze towards Ruby.<... > Simone gave the redhead an odd look, before shrugging and turning back to Ruby.
I'm giving considerate thought to our Ariel. I don't think she is as dense as she appears. I think she is deeper than people give her credit, and I think she hears and sees more than others. Just like she gets her way with her mom by being the way she is, I think she is able to use her ability of charm and off handedness to get close to things she wants to figure out, without being suspicious.
Why would the MLI need to take their luggage?

I don't buy their explanation.

Something is fishy, I'm thinking.
But, I could be totally wrong! It's been known to happen before.

I'll just wait to get the story from the brilliant author, Maxie.
Can't wait for your next post Maxie. Great story. Much love to you.