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When another woman came sauntering into the room, naturally Fletcher's attention shifted away from the box and over to the blonde that had just entered the office. One, she was talking to him, and two, she was HOT, with some kind of fierce attitude thing going on.
It was kind of hard to pay attention to Brazil when the other one's nice legs were just sitting there, on display on the desk.
"Yeah curiosity only kills cats. Not Triwizard Champions like me," Fletcher scoffed and puffed his chest out a bit, undeterred by her evil smirking. His ego only deflated when Junior Curse-Breaker Brazil Aziz spoke up again and called him a 'little lad.'
What about his 6'1'' frame had made her think he was little? Pffft he could even grow a BEARD these days! Real live man scruff! Speaking of said scruff, Fletcher scratched his cheek and frowned as he considered Brazil's warnings.
"So how d'ya go about getting trained then, eh?" He watched her move around the desk and now it was his turn to smirk down at the much shorter woman. She certainly seemed smart, so he stored the information about goblin curses in the back of his mind for later. "Er, Miss Aziz.... I mean...."
Reconsidering what he had just said, the Hufflepuff supposed the intern should be a little more respectful of the older workers. He stuck out his hand for Brazil to shake and turned his smirk into a polite smile. "Sorry for my curiosity regarding your desk. Won't let it happen again."
More like... won't get caught snooping again.
And she might as well be talking to a hippogriff for all the attention he was paying to her now with Kayla and all her wares on display.
She sighed and shook her head. She turned to get back to her work and let the two of them get on with their flirting and getting to know each other better. She was surprised when he spoke up again and the question was directed at her. Her brown eyes studied him for a minute.
"You can call me Brazil," she waved away his 'Miss' with a flick of her wrist.
"Hope you like reading. And well, field work. Its the only way to learn." she told him.
She gave his hand a strong shake and she gave him a smile.
"Ahh its ok was more worried about you trying to open the box than my desk." she told him.