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Old 12-04-2010, 03:17 AM
Cassirin Cassirin is offline
Post The Snitchseeker Hogwarts RPG Sorting is Open! (& Other School News)

To all unsorted members:

The time has come! Any member who has earned their 10 legitimate posts to get out of the Newbie Forum is now qualified to be Sorted via this quiz. (Note: those who spam out of Platform 9 3/4 will have their quiz submissions deleted without notice and will be returned to the Newbie usergroup).

Please remember, you may only take the Sorting Quiz once, and the result of the Sorting Hat is final. Each House has equal responsibility and fun in the school RPG, and there are great friends in each, yet to be made! Click away.

The Sorting will remain open until December 30th. The next Sorting will not be for another three months or so. Also, please remember that it may take a few days between when you submit your quiz and when you find out where you have been Sorted. While we try to get everyone sorted within 48 hours sometimes we are just flooded with quizzes and it takes a bit longer.

Thanks for your patience and good luck!

The Sorting is now CLOSED

We are happy to announce the return of the Re-Sorting feature for those members who qualify. For members who have been active in the School RPG for a while and are interested in trying out a character in a new house, a Re-Sorting Quiz is now available. Please follow the link for additional information about the requirements for Re-Sorting, including but not limited to:
  • No unexpired infractions
  • Participation in at least 7 terms in the school
  • Staff recommendation

Re-Sorting will be open until December 30th and will coincide with future sortings.

For those who have been around the school RPG for a while, you may have noticed that the between term dates are longer than normal. Because the RPG timeline now spans three areas of the site (Hogwarts, Diagon Alley and Ministry of Magic RPGs), we have made a change to the timeline in order for each month to have equal length.

What does this mean for you as an RPer? Basically, it means we have an extra long Sorting period as we reset for the new timeline January 1st. In addition, and for those who keep track, each RP month will now equal 10 days. If this means nothing to you, carry on as usual!