Hufflepuff Common Room  Welcome to your home away from home! Your common room is your sanctuary. The wide, open room is designed around the fireplace, which sits in the very middle, and will more than likely be your favorite place on cold winter nights.
Flanking off and into the rest of the room, clusters of plush chairs are situated, some in groups of four, some in groups of two, there are also comfortable large couches that might swallow you up, if you're not careful. The decor is, of course, Hufflepuff house colors.
A large solid wood table is set up to the far side of the room, the perfect place to study, and should you find yourself in need of inspiration, portraits of memorable Hufflepuffs such as Nymphadora Tonks, Cedric Diggory, and the Fat Friar line the walls around you.
Opposite, you will find two tunnels, each going a different way, to the right the tunnel will lead you to the boy's dorms, and to the left, the girl's dorms. |