Here's the next part!
I've been kinda busy lately, so sorry! I'll try to post longer next time!
“Remus,” I whispered.
Looking closer, I was able to make out the small figure of a women.
Isn’t that Madam Pomfrey? I thought.
I saw them both walk towards the Whomping Willow; towards the swinging tree limbs that tried to knock them over.
Madam Pomfrey took out her wand and pointed it a spot on the base of the tree. It froze, the limbs and everything becoming still.
They both ducked towards the trunk and just disappeared.
I squinted, trying to find some trace of where they went. After about of minute and they didn’t reappear, the tree twitched then moved once more.
Instead of studying like I should have, I sat down next to the window and stared down at the grounds. Madam Pomfrey reappeared and I perked up, taking my chin off my hand on which I was leaning.
Remus wasn’t with her.
I looked around again, but he was nowhere in sight. I watched as the small woman re entered Hogwarts.
I was about to call Lily or Emily over when another thing caught my attention.
Three figures appeared out of nowhere, a little ways away from the Whomping Willow. With a start, I recognized the glint of James’s glasses, the long black hair of Sirius, and the short and stout figure of Peter.
What are they doing? I asked myself.
They did the same as Madam Pomfrey; freezing the tree and disappearing right near the base.
I turned around at looked through the common room. Lily was still talking to Mary. Apparently neither of them knew that James was right outside, in the field of vision of the common room window. Emily was talking to them as well. They were all in deep conversation and I didn’t want to disturb them.
Turning back to the window yet again, I saw Sirius return and run to the entrance of Hogwarts.
I couldn’t take it anymore. I stood up and ran over to the portrait of the Fat Lady, grabbing my wand off the table as I passed it and stuffing it into my robe pocket.
Lily and Emily saw me leave the common room. Lily made to stop me, but I ignored her.
I silently padded down empty hallways. Some of the statues turned in my direction, but they did nothing other did squeak when they moved.
I was lucky enough to avoid Peeves. A few teachers and Prefects were in the hallways. I took different corridors, taking longer ways, but I was able to avoid them all the same.
Finally, when I reached the Great Hall I recognized two voices.
The amused and laid back voice of Sirius Black.
And the drawling voice of Severus Snape.
Tell me what you think!