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“You two are bad, bad girls and scared the kitten."
Ruby and Philippine both stopped mid-sentence, and turned round to see Ariel, holding Cam's kitten in her arms, and eyeing them both like they had just jumped out of a spaceship, had antennae sticking out of their hair, and claimed to be Martians. The kitty did look scared and even though both Ruby and Philippine fully believed this to be because the kitten had finally found out how clooosely Ariel watched it [in actual, though, it was the two's banter that had scared it], both of them gave a short nod and fell quiet. For two seconds, that is.
[It was not asleep, and got offended by this declaration. Could this human not see?]
Kitty, you are awesome and I will forever name you as my hero-of-awesome-thoughts!
Ahh, love the update Maxi!!
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But hadn't Professor Dumbledore said, at the end of last term, that strength came from union, and union from love? He had sounded pacifying, almost certain that no harm could befall them, not as long as he headed any and all affairs that involved Hogwarts, and they had all believed him because no servant of that dreaded dark wizard that had risen to power in recent years, he-who-must-not-be-named had ever made an attempt on Hogwarts. They had left the majority of their anxieties back at home, and even their parents had been satisfied, because they believed that if a safe place existed, it was Hogwarts castle. But, the thought came to them now, the Hogwarts Express was not Hogwarts itself.
Dumblydore! What have you done now? And this line-that strength came from union, and union from love- I could hear Dumbledore speaking inside my head!!
And who are those masked men?! Death eaters?! Whooo? Aiee!
