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Grrr..Meow "I blieved we lived in Florida?.." he said with some uncertanty he was a young boy when he lived there and he moved back to Russia for school."I don't really remember much of living there, I remember it was warm, Which I like Moscow is mostly cold" he said.
"I'll have to go visit St. Louis then ... ahahahah People tell me that I have a great voice, But I think they were just all pulling my leg" he said while laughing and checking out his own candy on the shelf, Cockroach Clusters Mikhail made a note not to try those. Ewww
Oh I have been to Florida. Very warm and sunny... far cry from Russia, yeah," she said with a small smile for him. She figured if he was used to cold weather then it would be hard to adapt.
Oh I am sure you have a lovely voice, Mikhail!" she said with a great big smile and a nod. Yep. She was certain. And if he didn't she would jab her eardrums out.
She moved to the next shelf and poked around a bit. Gumballs and lollipops. Check.