Thread: Middle Cars
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Old 12-01-2010, 01:37 AM   #134 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Abel Wysor
Fifth Year
be the bre.

SPOILER!!: Josh and Evelyn.... And angry owl.
Originally Posted by Lara_the_Firelady View Post

''Hello Rae'' the Gryffindor boy faced the other Slytherin girl and waved back at her though they were close in the same compartment. Waving at people was fun so Josh could wave at everyone no matter where they were. Bahaha. Anyway. ''Looks like you have some good plans for the summer''

What did he do to the bird? ''Nothing'' Josh said eyeing the bird who was still glaring at him. Of course Josh was far from realising that actually his doing nothing annoyed the bird. When the bird angrily hooted again, Josh laughed and ''Oh shut up!'' he said not knowing that this was going to cause him trouble.

The moment he said 'shut up' the owl opened its wings and started to attack Josh Carter pecking and clawing every inch of flesh she could manage to reach. ''Ow! Ow! Ooooooooooooooooow!'' meanwhile Josh was trying to protect his face with his arms ''Simon! Ow! Simon! Do something! Somebody do something!''

*Angry hoot*
Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post
It didn't matter that he was going to clean the house, cook their meals, or do anything else, it was the fact that he was THERE that bothered her. "Rae, it's fine. Besides, you could have the house allllll to yourself with..." Hmm.

This was something that actually kept her silent for a moment. Access to the rest of the books? Did she mean, those ones that she wasn't aloud to get near!? THOSE ones? Well, that definitely got her thinking. But wait, there was more! She was going to buy her something nice? Such a persuasive argument. Evelyn did love gifts. Just about to say that she'd stay, Rae continued on with a topic that she could never get tired of. She was right! If Rae could have her friend, person, whatever he was to her, over...then she could have someone over. And that someone, being JOSH! "Alright, alright. Deal. I'm still going to Destiny's tonight though." Where was that girl? She had to ask!

But onto other important matters, like asking Josh over this summer, her gaze turned back to the Gryffindor who was BRAVELY petting Poof. Well, at least she was scratching him. Normally her head or tail being touched was not a good idea. "She is, isn't she!?" Pfft, she was ADORABLE. "But, like Rae you want to come over this Summer?"


Eesh, this was like first year all over again! Or was it second year? Who knows when she had that darn owl. Goodness. The owl's frenzy caused Poof to meow and hiss at it, making Evelyn scowl and move away from both the bird and Josh. She didn't want Poof to be clawed, nor herself.

However, she did not enjoy Josh being scratched up either. OMG owl! Take the bait! Take whatever Simon was giving yoouuu!

Yeah, she felt defea..... Deal? DEAL? "YES! Alright that's fine... I'll see you when you get back!!!!" Yayyyy!

ANNNNDDDD Back to Josh.. "Yes quite a different summer...." Evelyn had just offered him to stay over too.. "Seems like you do as well, that is... If you like Evelyn's offer.." Well, Rae's idea but same thing.

Whaa? Attacking bird! Rae pushed herself in the corner while the frantic bird kept pecking at Josh and flapping it's wings. Grrr.. Erebos never did this. He was by far the best raven... Nayy the best bird ever. Sit in the corner... Rae will just stay in the corner.
'Cause I saw the moon fall I watched the colors

Fade from everything, as winter stays...
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