thanks guys for the comments and sorry for leaving you with a cliffhanger, but you know how these things go. I like to keep you on the edge of your seats
As soon as the last e sound left Sirius's lips I took flight, zooming overhead of the death eaters, who were utterly confused, before landing right smack in front of Harry, the flames enclosing me as I transformed back into my human form.
Lucius Malfoy stared at me, his eyes wide in amazement. "How did you..." he started.
The other members of the Order had landed, sending the death eaters back away enough that they could huddle my friends in the middle of all of them. Sirius had come over to Harry and me, and motioned for us to back up.
I reached back with my hands, putting them on either side of Harry so that if any spells came at him from the front they would hit me instead. Sirius had stepped in front of Lucius whose face had changed from confusion to disgust.
"Get away from my godson," Sirius said with a smirk before punching Lucius square in the face.
Harry let out a little laugh as Lucius tumbled backwards. I hadn't noticed during my flight that Harry had given Lucius the prophecy, but it had obviously happened because as Lucius fell the ball flew out of his hands, landing with a miniature crack as it shattered to pieces.
"Well, I imagine he isn't going to be too happy with you," said Sirius as the little clouds that had filled the prophecy vanished.
"Why you little!" We turned to find Bellatrix raising her wand and throwing a spell at Sirius who deflected it with ease.
Bellatrix's actions had served as the same purpose as a director's cry to start filming. All at once my friends, along with the order members, began to cast spells at the death eaters. I was gripping my own wand, and took a hold of Harry's arm with the other.
"We have to get you out of here!" I said, pulling Harry along, but we were immediately interrupted by one of the death eaters that still had his mask on.
A duel instantly pursued, me casting numerous defensive spells while trying to keep Harry behind my back. Another death eater had come to join in, forcing me to let Harry go so that he could fight. The death eater that I was fighting against was casting numerous spells, mostly crucio as well as some other spells that I was sure were meant to cause me great harm. I ducked to dodge one spell, it merely hitting the top of my head, before standing up and pointing my wand at the man.
Without any words or thoughts a huge rush of ice emitted from the end of my wand, turning the once death eater in to an ice statue. The death eater that had been fighting Harry stopped, absolutely perplexed at what had just happened to his friend before turning to look at me.
"How did you..." he started, but before he could finish Harry had hit him square in the face with a stunning jinx.
Harry turned to look at me, a mixture of confusion and amazement. "How did you do that?" he asked, not able to get a response because Lucius was back up and fighting.
He attempted to hit Harry with a spell, but Sirius blocked it, before joining Harry and I.
"Sorry to interrupt," said Sirius, casting a spell to block Lucius's.
Harry and I didn't even have time to react before two more death eaters had appeared on either side of Lucius, ready to help. The three of us were dueling, helping one another deflect shots as well as cast them. We moved in such perfect harmony that it felt more like we were members of an orchestra, our conductor summoning to us from above the various moves and positions we should move our instruments, or should I say wands.
I had cast a well placed spell, sending the death eater I had been dueling flying backwards with a spot of crystal ice marking exactly where my spell had hit him in the chest. Sirius had turned to say something to me but suddenly his thoughts were completely gone. It was as if someone had removed him from the room without me knowing.
I quickly turned to look at him, finding him to have a strange and amused expression on his face. I looked where he was looking and saw Bellatrix, standing at the entrance where we had come from. I turned back to look at Sirius who had stumbled back a couple of steps. I reached my hand out to grab him, but it was too late. He had fallen backwards into the veil that I now understood held the voices of those who had died.
Sirius was dead...gone...and my body was completely numb. Harry was standing next to me, Lupin holding him around the waist as he bellowed out NO, the tears starting to drip from his eyes.
I swung back around to look at Bellatrix, whose eyes looked solemn for a brief moment, before turning back into their usual cold stare with her evil chuckle following it.
"I KILLED SIRIUS BLACK!!" she bellowed out with an evil cackle, before turning and running through the door.
Harry had managed to break free of Lupin's grasp and was running towards her.
"HARRY NO!" I yelled out, instantly running after him, and narrowly missing Lupin grabbing hold of my arm.
I pumped my arms and legs as fast as I could, desperate to keep up with Harry who had no idea that Voldemort was now in the Ministry. I kept running and running, stopping only when I had reached the main lobby of the ministry. Harry had pulled out his wand and casted crucio at Bellatrix who was now on the floor.
I stood back, uncertain what to do or say because despite my better instincts I knew where Harry was coming from, and I wanted to see her hurt for what she had done. I was about to move forward towards Harry when I saw him.
He came out of nowhere, appearing slowly like dust particles only revealed once the sunlight hits them. Bellatrix let out a little chuckle upon his arrival, scooting back as she did.
"You have to mean it Harry," whispered Voldemort, moving closer to Harry.
"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" I yelled, taking several steps forward.
Voldemort turned, as did Harry, at the sound of my voice. Voldemort looked surprised to see me at first, but the effect wore off quickly.
"I have to admit, I didn't expect you to be here," Voldemort said with a little chuckle. "I'm surprised you came knowing your fate."
I glared at him. "What have you done to my mother?" I barked.
Voldemort let out a cool laugh. "Done to her? I've done nothing to her child. She came to me willingly, seeing the errors in her ways by following Dumbledore. I figured it would only be a matter of time before she joined our side. Of course, it was a little touch and go there as to whether or not she would be willing to choose her husband over her daughter, but after your little conversation she was convinced."
"You're lying," I said to him, my face remaining calm and collected.
"Oh, am I?" said Voldemort, moving so that we were now face to face. "And what makes you think that?" he asked.
I looked into his eyes, his red slitted eyes, and let out a scoff. "You think you're so powerful and so great, but you're really just weak. You're pathetic, and in the end you will be the one that loses, not Harry."
Voldemort stared at me, amazed at my audacity. "Foolish girl. Surely you don't think that you can change what your mother has seen."
I moved closer so that there was virtually no space between us. "Watch me."
Voldemort's mouth curved into a little smirk. "Shame to see someone with so much confidence die for such a pointless cause."
Voldemort had been moving my wand, but unfortunately for him, his thoughts were not closed off to me. I had moved quicker, silently casting that same spell that had frozen the death eater earlier.
Voldemort stumbled backwards, his wand hand frozen from my spell, before letting out an evil growl. I took advantage of the distraction to move myself next to Harry. Bellatrix had disappeared at some point, although why I wasn't quite sure.
In anger and frustration Voldemort smashed his frozen hand against the golden statue, the ice shattering off of it, before swinging around to face Harry and me.
"Your mother told me you were strong and that you possessed some special gifts, but believe me girl, they won't be good enough!"
"Actually Tom, they just very well may be."
All three of us turned simultaneously to find Dumbledore walking out of one of the floo network fireplaces, his wand at the ready.