Thread: Harry Potter: My Life Flipped - Sa16+
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Old 11-30-2010, 04:04 AM   #30 (permalink)
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Matt Lanter/The Dark Side/Anakin Skywalker/ Underland/Hookah Smoking Caterpillar

K, so here's the next part!

“Come on Seneca, we should go.”
Remus pulled me into his arms. I said bye to my mum and we left St. Mungos, taking the floo network back to Dumbledore’s office. Of course, he was sitting there waiting for us.
“Well?” he asked.
I looked at the Professor, not knowing what to say, but he seemed to understand my expression.
“You may go back to your common room.” he said gravely.

“Seneca, what happened?” Emily sat down next to me on the couch. The other marauders and Lily were crowded around the couch as well, all their eyes on me.
I glanced at everyone, then back at Emily. They all looked confused except for Remus, and Emily looked at me sincerely.
I wrung my hands in my lap.
“Seneca?” Lily spoke quietly.
I ignored her voice and instead pulled my knees up to my chest and buried my face in my arms.
“Tell them.” I mumbled.
“Are you sure?” I felt Emily’s breath next to my ear, “Don’t you want to do it?”
I shook my head, a gesture that was muffled from under my arms but one that Emily caught all the same.
“Tell us what?” Asked Sirius from behind me.
Emily sighed. “About why she’s been so upset lately.”

Emily spoke, and I felt everyone’s gaze on the back of my head. Remus put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to his side. I looked up and stared at the fire, a few tears tracing down my cheeks.
I heard a few gasps from Lily every now and then. I had a feeling that James had put his arm around her.
“You’re dad got in trouble right? For doing something like that.”
I nodded into Remus’s shirt.
“He was sent to Azkaban. He got a life sentence for using two of the unforgivable curses.” I said.
“Seneca, I’m so sorry.”
Emily moved so Lily could take her spot and hug me.
“You just visited your mother. She’s not ok, is she?”
I shook my head.
“I’m sorry,” she said again.
“How could he do something like that?” I asked nobody in particular. I still stared at the burning embers in the fire, “He ruined my life, my mum’s, my brother’s…” I stopped.
“I want to kill him.” I said my voice growing loud as I sat up, “make him pay for what he’s done.”
I tightened my grip on the wand in my right hand. Red sparks flew out the end. Remus seemed to notice this.
“Calm down, Seneca.” he said, prying the wand out of my hand.
“How can I calm down?!” I said. Peter jumped back from the couch as I stood up.
“He killed my brother!” I yelled. People were starting to stare at me, but I didn’t even blink an eye at them.
I looked frantically at my friends, for some kind of conformation. I turned my back on them, “You don’t understand.” I pointed out.
Sirius grabbed my shoulders and shoved me back onto the couch.
“No, we don’t,” he said, “We can only imagine what your going through.”
I glared at each of them in turn.
“Seneca, I think you should get some rest.” Emily muttered to me.
“Yeah,” everyone else agreed.
I didn’t argue. I knew it was either go to the dormitory by myself and go to sleep, or be knocked out by James or Sirius and left to sleep on the uncomfortable couch.

Leave your replies.
But there you were, standing in your own corner
Your eyes were wide, tired, fading just like mine
We could be the best of friends I’m sure of it
But I’m too shy to cross this crowded room besides
Wallflower --------------
I’m not here, no one sees me
Wallflower --------------
I’m by myself, please excuse me

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