Thread: Harry Potter: A Little Golden Rose - Sa16+
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Old 11-29-2010, 04:38 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: 12 Grimmauld Place
Posts: 419
Matt Lanter/The Dark Side/Anakin Skywalker/ Underland/Hookah Smoking Caterpillar

So no replies, but here's the next part

“Oi! Girl! Get up!” Coralie woke with a start and jumped out of her bed. She blinked the sudden black spots out of her eyes then looked at the clock. 8:05.
“Oh, crap.” she whispered, grabbing her apron off the table and throwing it over her head.
The girls father banged on the door, still shouting.
“I’m coming!” She yelled up the stairs, frantically tying the knot behind her back.
Coralie looked in the mirror, tried to brush out her hair, then stuffed her feet into her black boots by her bed.
She ran up the stone steps, two at a time, and pushed open the door at the top.
Charles Davids stood in the hallway, blocking her path to the kitchen. He was a heavy built man, with closely cropped brown hair and a beard to match. His green eyes showed a trace of anger in them.
Coralie peered up at her father, afraid.
“Go make breakfast,” he huffed.
As the girl passed, her father shoved her shoulder, making her trip forward.
“And be quick with it. “ He said.
Coralie passed her two older brothers, who were sitting at the table reading over the Daily Prophet. Carson, the eighteen year old, shot a glare at his sister. Coralie quickly looked away and moved over to the stove. Christopher didn’t even look up.
The girl turned the dial and the stove started up. She went to the dilapidated fridge and pulled out some eggs, then broke them on a pot and set it on the stove. She waited a moment, then turned the dial to a higher setting.
“I need you to go down to the river and get some water.” Coralie looked up at Christopher, who had finally spoken.
“I need it.” he snapped, answering her questioning look.
She nodded then turned back to the breakfast.
After about ten minutes, Coralie picked up the pot and dumped some eggs onto each of their awaiting plates. Her brothers put down the newspaper to eat. She didn’t even bother to look at it. She’s been scolded before for being a nosey brat.
The squib shifted through the cabinets contents, then pulled out a wooden bucket.
“I’ll be outside if you need me.” she muttered to them all.
She exited the old house through the back door.
Coralie barely knew the land her family owned. What she did know was that the property ended at the river behind the house. Most of the land was woods, and big oak trees hid most of the small house from people passing by. She knew another family lived on the other side of the river, but she had never met any of them. In fact, she never met anyone. Squibs are usually hidden away. Only family knew about them.
Coralie dodged her way through the thickening trees. Out of nowhere they lightened up to show the shallow river behind it.
She was about to move forward, toward the bank of the river, to fill up the bucket when she heard voices. Coralie ducked behind a thick tree, put the bucket next to her feet and peered around. Two figures were coming to the rivers edge.
First appeared a boy. He had dark brown almost black hair, and dark blue eyes. Freckles were splattered over his nose and cheeks. He held a wand in his right hand.
He must be of age, thought Coralie.
Next appeared a young girl. She had the same color hair, but green eyes. She wore a short purple dress and looked to be only about eight or nine.
“Come on, Jaxon, pleeeeeeease.” she whined, “Just show me again.”
The boy named Jaxon laughed. “Oh all right.”
He pointed his wand at the river, muttered a spell, and a large, mossy rock floated out of the river’s current. With a flick of his wrist the rock flew towards Coralie, who had to back up into the tree’s protection to prevent it from hitting her.
“I can’t wait to do that.” the young girl breathed.
The boy laughed again. “Yeah, only two more years until you go to Hogwarts.”
Coralie looked back around the trunk of the tree. They were now sitting on the bank. The girl had her feet hanging over the edge into the water.
“Who lives over there?” She asked after a minute.
Jaxon looked up to where his sister was pointing.
“Dunno really. Dad knows them. The Davids, I think”
“Who are they?” she pressed further.
“I believe it’s a man and his two sons.”
“Why is it that I’ve never seen them?” The girl’s voice floated over the sound of the rushing water.
“They’re kinda weird. Keep to themselves.”
“Show me another spell.” The girl quickly changed the subject.
“Really, Addison.” He said exasperatedly.
“Come on.”
He smiled then pointed his wand at nothing in particular. Coralie moved farther around the tree to see better. Unknowingly, she kicked the bucket at her feet, which went rolling down half the bank.
Addison screamed and jumped up to hide behind her brother. Jaxon had also stood up and looked at the empty bucket with a surprised look on his face.
“Hello?” He yelled.
Coralie had moved back behind the tree.
“I’m not afraid to shoot a spell, whoever you are.”
With a sigh, she looked to see what he was doing. Just then, a blast of red light shot past her head. Coralie lost her footing and slipped out from behind the tree.

So tell me what you think and I will post soon.
But there you were, standing in your own corner
Your eyes were wide, tired, fading just like mine
We could be the best of friends I’m sure of it
But I’m too shy to cross this crowded room besides
Wallflower --------------
I’m not here, no one sees me
Wallflower --------------
I’m by myself, please excuse me


Last edited by z999993; 12-01-2010 at 01:03 AM.
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