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Old 10-23-2004, 10:10 PM   #8 (permalink)
Baby Norbert
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Originally Posted by Baby Norbert
Dear Blog...

Right now... yes in this very moment... I feel so sad... like I'm about to cry... I dunno how to explain... well it is pretty simple... I'm lonely...I don't have any real friends.. I have one but she lives far away so I don't see her often... My life at school suck... I've only got one potentional friend... and I just got a lousy grade on a paper I tought was really good... I suck at German... but the theachers really nice but that doesn't help with the fact that I just can speak the darn language... and then there is this boy I like... but I know nothing will happen... nothing ever does... not to me anyway... only had one boyfriend and I was like 11 or something... I just need something really good to happen... or something to look forward to... other than holidays and weekend 'cuz I wont be in school... I need to be happy... I feel like I'm a shadow of myself...

(I just noticed that the other blogs are fictional.... but whatever... didn't we use to write about our real lifes here????)
I Dan
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