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Ahhh, Riley loved the way girls acted around him, especially cute blondes. Smiling, the Gryffindor watched her as she bought the candy for herself. "Ooh trade one?" he asked her. Without waiting for an answer he took one of her Droobles and handed over an ice mouse. "I forgot how much I liked these." he said grinning cheekily at his now blue-gum covered teeth.
When she began to speak, Riley narrowed his eyes. She wasn't a very good lier, there was obviously something wrong, but he was not a skilled mind reader, nor did he think he could ever become one. And plus he wasn't going to ask her and be rude so he just let it go. If she wanted to talk about it she would, Riley had learned that about girls, if they wanted you to know something they would definately talk about it. "Ummm the Holidays? Not much really." he started placing his hands in the pokets of his jeans. "We are just spending it at home I think, oooh my twin sister Lea is going to be at Hogwarts next term." he added excitedly.
"What about you?" Riley asked quickly, he often forgot to ask others about themselves, never really was a problem until he started at Hogwarts.
Lexi giggled as Riley stole one of her Droobles. She popped the ice mouse in her mouth though and immediately her teeth began to chatter and her lips turned blue. Once that passed she giggled and smiled.
Lexi didn't miss the eye narrowing but she didn't elaborate on anything... "
Ohhh your sister. That is awesome! I can't wait to meet her and welcome her to Hogwarts!" Lexi exclaimed. That WAS exciting. New housemates made her smile.
Then the holiday question made her bottom lip poke out a little bit and wibble. Sniffling she shrugged her shoulders. "
I don't know really. My brothers and myself are going off for a bit then I was supposed to have a holiday with my b-b-boyfriend, but I broke up with him... Like a little while ago," she said as she blinked back tears and turned her big brown eyes to Riley. She looked so pitiful. Riley KNOWS he wants to hug her. He SO does.