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Riley was moving towards the front of the line now and his choice was no in dire need to be made. Ice mice? oooh or Bertie Bott's? He began to pull his money bag out when someone ran right into his back and touched his BUTT!!!! *gasp*
"Excuse me?! Watch where you are going!" Riley turned around, his face flushed as he looked for the culprit. Then he looked at the ground, expecting some tiny first year to have done it, obviously attracted to him but just too scared to show themselves. However it was not some runt firstie but Lexi Denver. "Oh hello there Lexi." he said reaching down to help her up and to scoop the 4 or so Galleons that had fallen from his money pouch. "Sorry to yell at you like that."
Lexi winced slightly when she felt her hand graze the person's bum. Ohhh man. How embarrassing! Then with the shouting. She groaned again and covered her face with her hands. Wait...
Looking up she started to laugh lightly. "
Hey Riley, sorry about that... I was distracted. I am so embarrassed that I touched your bum. I am soooo sorry about that," she said whispering the last. Gah that WAS embarrassing. Taking his hand she pulled herself up and just at that moment the train lurched around a turn and she fell into him again. "
Seriously! I swear I am not trying to grope you, Riley!" she said through fits of laughter.