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"You really have enough chocolate for everyone?" she asked, perhaps a bit skeptically.
Wait. Wasn't this the kid who'd claimed to be the professor in the last CoMC lesson? Hm.[/COLOR]
Hmmm. This Ravenclaw looked like she was suspicious about his supply of chocolate. Maybe she was right. Josh did not know.
''Well i suppose i have'' he said grinning.
''It is not important if i did not have, is it? What is important that we are having fun, is not it?'' then he winked at the Ravenclaw and turned to the Gryffindor girl.
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"So where's this party?" She asked him, smiling.
Where was the party? Hmm that was a goood question which made Josh laugh.
''It is right here'' he replied kindly giving the girl a chocolate
''You are in the middle of it. Now let's have fun!'' Quote:
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Oh HELL yeah Amy said cockily returning the wink, swaggering over to the boy with the CHOCOLATE! Oh yeah she had swagga. Not. She took some, leaning against the compartment doors, watching people arrive for the parteeh, slipping in and out of the room, WHAA? You kissed Lafay? She said, gobsmacked beyond belief, by choice? Oh. My. Giddy. Aunt
Did he kissed Lafay? Hehehehe. That was another good question. With a cheerful attitude Josh clapped his hands
''Hmm lemme think about it'' and pretending to think for a minute or so the boy smirked and spoke
''Nope i did not kiss her. If i did i would not be here alive, would i?'' hehehe. Of course not. Lafay would surely kill him.
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Carrying his own trunk with him, Simon made his way through the train to find his friends. He had made it through to the middle cars when he spotted his best friend step out into the hallway and so he made his way towards him. However not being noticed and having no clue why Josh was out of a compartment other then looking for someone, he wasn't expecting the shout out.
"Geez Josh...did you really need to do that?" he said, rubbing the inside of his ear as he came up behind his friend. The loud noise still ringing in his ears.
Then there was Simon. '
'Oooooo Simon, oooo Simon'' he cheered happily the moment he had seen his best friend. Did not Simon like parties? Oh Josh sure he did like them however it sounded like it was the yelling he did not like
''What can i do i was bored'' he defended himself looking inside his friend's eyes
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wait did she just hear that right? Chocolate. "Did i just hear something about chocolate?" Brittany asked with a bright smile. She didnt know who this boy was but if chocolate was involved they could very well become best friends. ha.
Aha! Another Hufflepuff. Smiling at this girl too, the Gryffindor boy nodded
''That's right, miss. I have chocolate'' and showing the large box to her, he picked a chocolate and kindly handed it to her.
''Here. Have fun'' Quote:
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" I am sure we can",she giggled,"who does not love chocolate?"
This ride was starting good. Hah. Chocolate was always good and having a party with it would be uber amazing.
"I am Feenella by the way",Fee smiled friendly at the boy. He seemed pretty cool,seeing he liked sweets.
When she spoke Josh turned back to the Slytherin girl. Oh, it was now so crowded and Josh was having difficulty with figuring out whom he was talking to. Yet this was no problem. He loved the crowd and a party was the best when it was very crowded. Yes, that was right.
''It is nice to meet you Feenella'' he said to the younger Slytherin with a wide smile
''And i am Joshua, master of chocolate parties''
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With Poof hanging on her shoulders almost like a scard, Evelyn moved forward towards whoever yelled, keeping her eyes peeled for her Slytherin friend. Hmm, well no Destiny. Just an amazing Gryffindor with...a crowd of people. Bleh, crowds. She didn't like them. Neither did Poof, obviously from the few hisses coming from her towards anyone who came too close. "Josh!"
Teehee. Josh. Felt like forever since she'd seen him! And it was only last night at the feast. Well, spotted more like. Across the room. Yeaaa...
Joshua Carter was about to call for more people, since crowd entertained him, when his dark eyes spotted a very beautiful figure with a white cat.
''ROSE!'' he exclaimed happily immediately dropping the box of chocolate on floor and running to her among the crowd that surrounded him.
Then once he approached her , the boy hugged his girlfriend tightly. Somehow he was feeling like he had not seen her for ages though he was sure that he saw her sitting at the Slytherin table at the feast.