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''Yep, chocolate'' Josh repeated and as he did so he winked at the Huffie girl. ''Would you like to have some?'' It was nice to see that people had started to react to his calling of party hehehe. This was going to be a fun train ride.
Then Josh looked up when someone else opened the door of his compartment. Great! Soon there were going to be enough people to party in the train. Smirking widely, the Gryffindor boy approached the other lion and put a hand on his shoulder ''Sure mate'' he said showing him the huge box of chocolates ''Riley, ha? And i am Joshua.'' Joshua Carter the master of causing chaos. Bahahaha. ''It's nice to meet you Riley. By the way did you know that i kissed Professor Lafay. Too bad we are leaving. I am sure she'll miss me''
Oh HELL yeah Amy said cockily returning the wink, swaggering over to the boy with the CHOCOLATE! Oh yeah she had swagga.
Not. She took some, leaning against the compartment doors, watching people arrive for the parteeh, slipping in and out of the room,
WHAA? You kissed Lafay? She said, gobsmacked beyond belief,
by choice? Oh. My. Giddy. Aunt