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Jayce strolled up into the train all sad like. He didn't want to leave. Not yet at least. This term had gone by way too fast for his likings. It was just.. it was sad and terrible and just plain upsetting. But he wouldn't cry. Not Jay, he never cried. Well, barely ever. The fifth year Gryffindor walked all the way to the back of the train with his hands in his pockets and staring at the carpet as he shuffled his feet along it. Who knew he'd miss it so much? He wasn't this upset last year, why the change?
Maybe he was all too emotional because of the things he would do over the summer. Heck, he might even have to throw a party or two once he got back. But for now, Jayce went all the way to the back of the train, opened up the last compartment, holding on to Buzz's cage tightly as the bird hooted up at him.
Setting the cage on the ground, he scooted over towards the window and stared out it. On a positive note, at least he'd get to see Opal.
Eirian spotted Jayce as he moped onto the train. Merlin, he couldn't have waited for her? Grunting, she followed moodily, dragging all of her possessions with her one good arm. Grumble. Once he had disappeared into the farthest most compartment - was he
trying to make her life difficult? - she herself disappeared into it as well, whimpering as she hit her broken arm against the door in her attempts to pull everything in. Collapsing on the seat across from Jay, Eiri fought the tears of pain and settled into the cushion. Sitting down felt nice...