ALLISON NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! You can't leave us like this! Think Connie... Ok this can't be where she saves Harry. According to her moms prophecy, she saves him from Voldemort. But then, you've thrown us curve balls before, so I'm back to telling you you can't leave us like this! Please? Allison, this was a brilliant post. I will point out one tiny little thing you might want to correct.
Sirius took my hand and helped me up off the ground before following me down the stairs. Just as we had reached the bottom of the steps we saw Sirius who had come bursting into the house with a purpose.
I'm sure it was Snape that came bursting in the house, yes?
"You are wanted by the ministry and are underage! There is no way that you are going. You can let the others handle this," said Mrs. Weasley, making a move to take my wand from me.
Poor Molly. She just has the worst time trying to keep these kids safe doesn't she.

She is the best mom there is. In fiction that is.
Allison. You've written a spectacular chapter, and I do hope you can write more soon. REALLY SOON. I'll be watching for my notice.