MLES Hot Shot "The cup wasn't glowing before. Let's just find out what's up with the glow on the cup."she said and as she reached it. Glancing over her shoulder at Ben,"By the way it's not dust, it's sprinkles. Somebody, looks like a sparkle lover was here." "Wingardium leviosa."she said, casting the spell. She looked at the cup more closely as she it floated in front her."Yeah, definitely tampered with. There's a monitoring charm on this. Makes the mug operate like a recorder. Mostly, used in the Ireland ministry. Visited there for a while."
Pointing her wand at the cup, she said, "Deletrius. That should do it." Dacs did the same with the quill. They both stop glowing immediately. " So what's your new discovery Ben?" 'Men.' she venomously thought to herself.
Last edited by TSnitch; 11-28-2010 at 04:54 AM.