Thread: Harry Potter: My Life Flipped - Sa16+
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Old 11-28-2010, 03:51 AM   #25 (permalink)
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Matt Lanter/The Dark Side/Anakin Skywalker/ Underland/Hookah Smoking Caterpillar

Well, I am on a role so here's the next part. Enjoy!
Oh btw this one is kinda short too.

“What happened last night? Er… this morning?” he corrected himself.
“You saw the letter.” I mumbled.
“Right. Your mother. What happened to her?”
I hesitated then opened the scrapbook for the newspaper clipping. I handed it to him.
He read through it. We were walking silently down the seventh floor corridor. It was abandoned as everyone was probably still sleeping in on this Sunday morning.
After a moment he spoke up.
“Your father? Your father did this to her?”
“Yeah.” I muttered.
It felt good to be talking about this to someone other than Emily for a change.
“Why didn’t you tell me about this before?”
“You never asked. Besides, I don’t like talking about it.”
Remus put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him.
“You’re dad’s in Azkaban?” he said quietly.
“Do you, uh… do you talk to him much?”
“No. Not since this happened.” I tapped the clipping he was still holding.
He gave it back to me and I put it in the scrapbook once again.
“Those are all from your mother.” he commented. We stopped in the hallway and he took the box from me. Remus pulled off the lid and flipped through all its contents.
“Are you gonna talk to Professor Dumbledore?” he said as he remembered the one letter he read last night.
“I don’t know. Maybe.”
“You should. Go today, I’m sure he’ll let you.”
I looked up at his face and we continued walking. I placed the new letter in the box and slipped it into my pocket on my robe.
“Does any one else know?” he asked after a minute.
“Emily.” I whispered.
“Not Lily?”
“No. Emily and I are closer. We grew up on the same street and she was the only other wizarding family in the neighborhood.”
“I see.” he said under his breath. “I’m sorry about your brother. Were you close?”
I nodded.
“Why don’t you say we go get some breakfast and talk some more later. It’s almost nine.” he suggested, “Then you can go talk to the Headmaster.”
“Yeah, let’s do that.” I said. “I want to go back to the common room though, and put these away.”
“Of course.”
We turned around and made our way back to the Gryffindor common room.

Leave your replies!
But there you were, standing in your own corner
Your eyes were wide, tired, fading just like mine
We could be the best of friends I’m sure of it
But I’m too shy to cross this crowded room besides
Wallflower --------------
I’m not here, no one sees me
Wallflower --------------
I’m by myself, please excuse me

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