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So far, that had been a good day for Ryan Chambers even though he could not find any tea in his flat. Surely he was going to be able to find some in the Cafeteria so before he stepped into his work areas, after a short break, he bought his daily tea and added some lemon in it. Mmm. Delicious.
Then, carrying his tea, he walked in the work areas only to find a woman doing...well. What was she doing? Smirking widely, he approached the beautiful woman and put his cup on his desk. ''Ehem'' at first he cleared his throat then spoke politely with the warmest tone he managed ''May i help you, dear lady?''.
Observing her carefully with his light blue eyes Ryan could tell that she was not from his divison, even not from this department. And she had this mysterious air on her. Hmm interesting.
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Dacs heard someone enter the room. She turned when he spoke,"Hello. Dacs from Magical Law Enforcemnet,"she said stretching her hand out to him,"I'm running a bug sweep, my partner and I that is. Are you one of the division heads?"
"I'm checking the work area for hidden spy magic, equipment the whole nine yards."she said, looking around."Making sure no one is spying on you guys in here."
While Benjamin was sweeping the DH's office, he noticed another body moving around the workspace that wasn't Dacs. And now he knew who it was.
Confidence... A bit over confident, obviously a Div. Head... Oh! And there's the badge to confirm it. "Hello. Detective Benjamin Amsten. Former Division Head of The British Improper Use of Magic and Misuse of Muggle Artifacts. And former Head Auror of the American Ministry." He gave a look to Dacs as that second title was not something Dacs had known about, since she wanted to always talk 'later.' Benjamin offered a handshake to the man before turning towards Dacs and lowering his voice.
"The Head's office is secure. Nothing out of the ordinary, there. PLus, I placed some, I would like to say, brilliant charms of my own." The New Yorker looked around the room.
"I assume you've sweeped the office... Considering...." Benjamin gasped.
"Quiet!" Ben said to the both of them. The back wall had a light glow to it... His eyes darted at Dacs. He looked back at the wall. There was something funny about it...