Thread: Harry Potter: Abby - Sa +13
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Old 11-27-2010, 11:44 PM   #179 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jeremy Bradford
Fifth Year
Default Chapter Nineteen: Part Two
"It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you are not."

Thanks Connie! I'm glad you are enjoying it

Sirius took my hand and helped me up off the ground before following me down the stairs. Just as we had reached the bottom of the steps we saw Snape who had come bursting into the house with a purpose.

"We need to get to the Department of Mysteries," said Snape in his usual drawl, eyeing us both curiously.

"Yeah, yeah, three steps ahead of you Snivellus," said Sirius, opening the door and hollering down the steps to the others.

"I have alerted Kingsley and he is notifying the others," said Snape, choosing to ignore Sirius's name calling.

"So, how are we doing this?" I asked Sirius as Mr. Weasley appeared at the door leading to the kitchen. Tonks and Lupin were right behind him, both with their wands out. Tonks had a rather excited look on her face while Lupin was looking rather grim and tired.

"You are staying here," said Mrs. Weasley, pushing her way past Mr. Weasley to give me a stern look.

"No, I am not!" I said, pulling out my own wand.

"You are wanted by the ministry and are underage! There is no way that you are going. You can let the others handle this," said Mrs. Weasley, making a move to take my wand from me.

"I appreciate everything you've done for me Mrs. Weasley, but this is important and I have to go!"

"She is a member of the Order Molly," said Sirius, giving me a little head nod that he had my back.

"This is not up to you!" barked Mrs. Weasley.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Weasley, but it's not up to you either."

I took a step back from them all and closed my eyes.

"No!" Mrs. Weasley yelled, but it was too late. I had already transformed into my animagi form and was heading towards the door.

Sirius had quickly moved while the flames had enclosed me and ripped open the door. I flew out, my wand gripped firmly in my talons and headed towards the ministry. I wasn't entirely sure where I was going but somehow I had managed to get to the familiar looking telephone booth that Mr. Weasley had shown me once.

I flew into it, transforming back into my human self as the doors closed behind me. I eagerly fumbled around, trying to remember how to go down, until I finally did something right and found myself shooting downwards. I stepped out to find myself in the main ministry lobby. I had never been inside it before and found myself slightly amazed by the huge gold statues of several different animals followed by the huge banners of Fudge's face.

I closed my eyes, trying to remember where Harry had said he had seen the door from his dreams....where had it been again? Oh, was definitely downstairs.

I ran, the sound of my feet hitting the floor echoing off of the walls until I made it into one of the elevators.

"Please state your desired location," a woman's voice said out loud.

"The Department of Mysteries!" I yelled.

"Hang on," the woman said, and the elevator jerked forward before dropping for a couple of minutes, shooting to the right then the left several times, before finally stopping. The gates opened and I stepped out.

"Have a nice evening," the woman said after I had stepped up before the gates slammed closed again and the elevator was off.

I started walking forwards towards the doors, my wand held out in front of me. I reached out with my mind, wondering if there were any death eaters that had stayed close to the exit but didn't hear anyone. I turned the knob and pushed the door open.

I took one step, expecting there to be ground beneath me but to my surprise there wasn't. I fell, sliding along the wall before landing on the ground with a thud. I hastily picked up my wand that had flown out of my hand upon impact and looked around. I seemed to be on a circular floor with doors all around me.

I walked towards the middle, trying to figure out which one was the right one to walk through when I caught the drift of a thought with my mind. It was Harry's voice...

Sprinting towards the door I heard it from I ripped open the handle to find myself face to face with a death eater. Lucky for me he was more surprised to see me than I was to see him. Deciding that I didn't have enough time to cast a spell I winded my fist back and clocked him in the face. The death eater stumbled backwards, tripping and landing flat on his back.

"Petrificus Totalus!" I said, pointing my wand at him before he had a chance to get back up.

I looked up, worried that my encounter had drawn the attention of other death eaters, but luckily for me it hadn't. I hurried along down the corridor, my wand pointed out in front of me until I saw a small opening at the end. I slowed down, closing my eyes to reach out with my mind. It was Harry and the others.

Deciding that I would be quicker in my animagi form I transformed, walking along the wall before peeking my head out to see what the situation looked like. The death eaters were in a circle, each of them holding on to what I assumed were my friends. Bellatrix was closest to me, her eyes on Neville with a longing look. I had never met someone whose thoughts were so dark and purely evil. She had no love of any kind except for torture and Lord Voldemort.

Harry was standing in the middle, next to some kind of veil thing that was giving off enough light that everyone could see each other clearly. I could hear whispers coming from it but they weren't voices that I recognized. Harry had something in his hand and somehow I knew it was the prophecy that Voldemort had been looking for. Lucius Malfoy, his face and white hair recognizable even from this distance was slowly approaching Harry with his hand extended.

I jumped as I felt a hand on my feathers but calmed instantly when I saw that it was Sirius. The others had caught up to me, all except for Snape who was no where to be found.

Sirius bent down so he could whisper to me.

"On the count of three dear we're going to go in and get them. I want you to go straight to Harry, do you understand?"

I nodded my head.

"Oh, and nice color feathers by the way," said Sirius with his little smirk.

I smiled, the expression coming through my eyes, before we both shifted our focus back to Harry and the others.

'Cause there's always time for second guesses, I don't wanna know

If you're gonna be the death of me, that's how I wanna go

Last edited by Wonderstruck; 11-28-2010 at 01:13 PM.
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