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Great post

Thank you
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she's gonna get back together with scorp, right!?
pams pams pams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow, that's a lot of exclamation points
Maybe... Just read to find out
__________________________________________________ ____________
Last time~
My sign, the pure white scorpion, was every where in my dreams. I fianlly knew what I had to do.
I looked at my mother and smiled. She was frowning but she didn't say anything. I kissed Cali on her head and said bye. My mum wrapped me into a hug.
"Are you sure about this, Rose?" Her voice was full of concern. I simply nodded and showed her my pure white scropion. She nodded sadly and kissed my forehead.
"Bye mum. I'll be back later." I smiled and disapperated.
I held out my hand to knock on the door but I relaized I was already in Scorp's house. Opps. I had been thinking about sitting in his living room. Well it'll be a nice surprise I guess.
I put my box on his rounded table and walked towards his bedroom. I pushed open the door and smiled.
But my smile was short lasted.
Scorpius was kissing someone else!
I gasped in shock. Scorp turned to look at me. He looked confused. The girl he had been kissing turned to look at me. I took in her bright red hair and her deep brown eyes. She smiled at me.
I couldn't believe it. Scorpius Malfoy was kissing my cousin! How dare he?! Lily Potter lightly touched Scorp's shoulder and whispered good bye. Slowly she walked towards me.
"Bye bye Rosie." Lily smiled at me and then she walked out of the room.
"Rose.." Scorp started. I stared at him and I felt hot tears running down my face.
"How could you?! She's my cousin! My cousin Scorpius!" I yelled.
"I never liked Lily, Rose!"
"Then why were you kissing her?!" I stared at him.
"I didn't kiss her! She kissed me, Rose!" He yelled back at me. He must have seen how hurt I was because he walked towards me. Scorpius placed one of his hands on my shoulder and stared straight into my eyes. "Rose, I would never ever hurt you. I have to beleive me." His voice was full of hurt.
I shook my head. "I can't beleive you. You won't tell me where you've been and now after I finally get some sort of sign I find you kissing my cousin!"
Scorpius looks at me. "A sign?" I nodded. It's the only thing I can handle, since I'm practically drowing in my own tears. "Show me." I lead him towards the small table where the box is still sitting.
I open it and push it towards him. The sight of the small scorpion makes me want to hurl. I had been lead wrong. Scorpius smiled when he looked inside the box.
"When did you find this?"
I swallow hard and force my voice to come. Finally I say, "Last night. I had been wanting some sort of guidance and then this little guy showed up. I thought the sign mean't I was supposed to be with you. Guess I was wrong." I take the box from him and turn to leave.
Scorp grabs my arm and turns me around. "Please wait Rosie. Let me explain everything."
"Everything? Including where you have been for the last year?" I asked trying not to let my excitment show. He nods and I agree to go with him.
Scorpius grabbed my arm and disapperates us both.
Good and bad comments are welcome!