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LilyLunaGinnyPotter Bonnie looked around and saw her best friend and grinned and sat down across from the girl. "Hello," and without missing a beat, she said, "I love your hair," Bonnie catched the pink lock of hair and examined it and with a rather aproving nod, let go and smiled. "How are you?" Crazed!Girl asked grabbing a [rather biiiiiiiiiigggggggg] handful of chips. The Ravenclaw dropped them onto the silver plate infront of her and stuffed one into her mouth. "I'm good. Better now the dramas over." She said not waiting to actually be asked if she was good. She gave her best friend a toothy grin.
"Hiya!"" Luna smiled. "Thanks, I was thinking, do you wanna stay over at my house for the summer, I know the muggle world is pretty boring but we could visit Diagon Alley every day," Luna asked.