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This was just breaking her heart.
You could practically hear it cracking the more he spoke, or the more she sobbed, or the closer the time came before they'd had to board the train and Oliver would never return here again. Where Trixie had to endure days upon days of being lonely and not seeing her bestie and apart from her parents, he truly was the most precious thing to her in the World.
The Slytherin had probably never cried so much, not even when she got Stupefied, not even at home or whenever. She'd cried, on quite a few occasions, just, never that much. It was surprising how many tears the Seventeen year old could produce as they came splashing down on top of the table.
She clung hold of him as he wrapped both arms around her, probably looking like a right old state, eyes red and puffy, certainly not like her usual self. But she couldn't stop. Simply couldn't stop. And she was probably now getting him soaking wet with her tears, but she knew he wouldn't mind, at least she hoped he wouldn't, as she wasn't moving from here. "....But not the way I do" she muttered tearfully, her voice quavering. She hadn't even realised she said it, it had just come out. But it wasn't going to remain a secret for long anyway was it. Someone would probably end up telling him. She turned away quickly after the sudden realisation of her words.
"No. You'll forget about me. You'll move in with Cam and be too distracted to even have a flicker of thought about me" she stated through blurry eyes. And she believed that. Why would anyone remember her when they were out in the big wide world trying to remember other things.
She set off again, though she felt incredibly comforted by his rocking. She wanted to stop crying, but she couldn't control it. It just... came.
Oliver swallowed thickly as he held Trixie. This was too much... it was breaking his heart to see her like this. He was so bloody weak that he didn't have the strength to make it better for her and he hated that. He HATED to see her suffering so much and feeling SO DAMN HELPLESS!
He took a long shaky breath and closed his eyes fighting the sting of tears... but they opened abruptly at the girl's words.
'....But not the way I do' He frowned and gulped, pausing for a moment to let what she had said sink in, and then untangled himself from her, moving away so he could see her face.
“...Trixie..” He started but the word left him in no more than a croak. He
knew what she meant. He guessed that deep down he had known for a while, but had pushed it aside pretending it didn't exist, not wanting to face it and hoping it would just go away. He loved her too, yeah.. but they were friends. Besties. And that was cool.
“...Wh..What do you mean?” He asked in a whisper, averting his eyes from the girl, a tear escaping and running down his cheek. He wiped at it with his hand and sniffed. No way was he going to lose it..
Her words about Cam went over his head and he shook his head feebly in response, not looking at the blonde for fear of breaking down right there and then. It wasn't true what she was saying. He could never forget about Trixie. He just COULDN'T! She was way too precious to him for that.
How could he have let this go on for so long pretending everything was just peachy? He'd would protect her from anything if he could, but there HE was, hurting her unintentionally and for god knows how long. He just wanted to leave now. Get away from the claustrophobic crowded hall. He
couldn't do this...