haha yeah 
K, here's the next part! B)
Banners and confetti still littered the ground of the common room. Most of the candy wrappers didn’t even make it to the trash and were mixed with the other contents on the ground. James and Sirius had snuck down to the kitchens after dinner and had stolen some snacks for all the Gryffindors to celebrate.
My eyelids fluttered and I sat up. I had heard something. Looking around, my glance stopped on Lily, curled up in James’s side. I smiled to myself, then continued to look around. Emily and Peter were the only two of us seven that had made it to their dormitories. Sirius was sprawled out on the chair opposite me, and Remus was sitting on my right. I felt his arm slip off my shoulder as I stood up. There it was again, that tapping.
I still looked around, confused. I finally saw what was causing the noise that woke me up. A small tawny owl was sitting on the windowsill. I briskly walked over to it and threw the window open. It hopped inside and obediently held out its left leg, which a letter was attached to. Hesitantly, I untied it.
The owl took of and I looked at the return address.
‘St. Mungos.’
I was suddenly afraid to open it. Every time I get a letter, I hold my breath, hoping that the bad news wouldn’t be contained in it. The last letter I got was in the beginning of December. Those thoughts suddenly flowed back into my mind.
‘… she’s not getting any better… her mind is barely holding on… It’s a surprise she’s made it this far…’
I shook my head and tried to wipe away the tears that were forming on my eyes.
Someone behind me stirred.
“Seneca?” Remus sat up and rubbed his eyes. “What are you doing?” He stretched then looked at his watch, “It’s 2:30 in the morning.”
He came over to where I stood and peered over my shoulder.
“Who’s that from?”
I didn’t even look at him. My eyes were glued to the folded piece of parchment in my hand.
“Seneca? Seneca, can you hear me?”
I nodded then broke the seal on the back. I had to read through the letter several times to take it in. The letter wasn’t written in my mum’s handwriting like usual. But in the nurse’s, like on the envelope.
I’m sorry to say that your mother still isn’t getting any better. She is losing more and more of her memory every day. I don’t even think she remembers you any more. Nor does she remember your brother or your father. The doctor’s think she doesn’t have much longer. Speak to Professor Dumbledore and try to come and visit. It might jog her memory a bit.
Hope to see you here soon,
The staff at St. Mungos Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries
Remus gently took the letter from me and read it over. After handing it back to me, he pulled me into a hug.
“I’m so sorry, Seneca” He whispered into my hair.
I began to cry and he led me over to the sofa. I gratefully curled up into his side and cried myself back to sleep, his arm protectively around me.
k, tell me what you think!