The closer Preston got to the staff table, the more nervous he became, and he hoped he wouldn't trip in front of all the professors. They were all staring at him, well, at least he thought they were.
He looked up as he got within a few feet of the table and searched for Miss more. He gave a goofy smile finding her two seats to right of the Headmaster.
Originally Posted by
Colley ♥
Lily kept sneaking glances down the table to see if Lexi was there yet. No? Okay. She would just look again in a few minutes. No problem. While she chewed, she wondered if she could talk Sage into switching seats with Lexi. Hehe.
...Wait a sec, what was she eating...? Peas. Gross.
Pay more attention, Moretti.
"M-Miss M-M-More?" He asked softly, hoping he wasn't interrupting her or anything. He shoved his hands in his pockets and bit his lip.
"I-I-I have s-s-some-something t-t-to g-g-give you." He told her suddenly becoming more confident as the seconds went by.
He pulled his hands out of his pockets, in his right hand he held the
bracelet he had made her. He held it out to her showing the few beads he had found off to her.
"I m-m-made th-this f-for you." He smiled. "I-I d-d-don't r-r-rem-remember wh-where I-I found th-th-the t-t-twine. B-b-but I-I f-f-found th-the b-b-beads i-in th-the c-c-common room." He explained the materials he had used.
"I w-want t-t-to th-thank y-you f-f-for h-h-help-helping me." He told her, a few tears forming in his eyes. He wasn't sure why he was getting all emotional and stuff. She was going to be back next term, right? RIGHT?!