Thread: Harry Potter: My Life Flipped - Sa16+
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Old 11-25-2010, 11:43 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: 12 Grimmauld Place
Posts: 419
Matt Lanter/The Dark Side/Anakin Skywalker/ Underland/Hookah Smoking Caterpillar

K, here's the next part. It kind of switches between my perspective and James's. Enjoy

“Emily. Ow… stop, your hurting me.” I tried to pull away but my friends grip on my arm was too strong. Red dye was on two of her fingers. She grinned them resumed writing James’s quidditch number on my cheek.
Emily and Lily both wore bright red, and made me change to match the team’s colors.
“Gryffindor is so gonna win,” said Lily, happily, “Hufflepuff has no chance.”
I smiled and put my red curly hair back into a ponytail.
Lily didn’t seem to be mad at James anymore. I didn’t say anything, I didn’t want to ruin her mood.
“Come on.” said Emily impatiently.
Lily threw my scarf at me when I almost left without it. I happily took it and wrapped it around my neck.
Laughing, we left the dormitory and waited in the common room with all of the other Gryffindors.
“You look colorful.” said Remus, smiling. He came over and stood next to me.
“Thanks to Emily.” I glared at her. She grinned in return and moved over to the students surrounding their team’s Seeker.
Remus chuckled.
“Last game of the season. Are you excited?”
“Yeah.” I said.
I felt his eyes on me and I turned to look at him.
“What?” I said
“Nothing,” he quickly looked away.
James was picked up by two people in the crowd. Student’s were cheering and waving banners.
“He hasn’t even won the quidditch cup.” I said pointedly.
Remus laughed again. “He’ll win it, trust me.”

“Gryffindor still has the lead with 90 to 60!” cried the commentator, a seventh year Ravenclaw.
I stood in between Emily and Remus. Emily was huddled close to Lily, who were both cheering. James circled the sky, every once in a while glancing at the game going on below him.
“Hufflepuff scores!” The Ravencalw yelled a moment later.
I heard Sirius boo from Remus’s other side. Peter yelled something, but I didn’t understand it.
“Gryffindor’s got the quaffel. They shoot, they… miss.” I heard half the stadium cry out. Hufflepuffs and Slytherins shouted cheers, while Gryffindors and Ravenclaws cried out encouragement.
Half an hour into the game it started to snow. All of the players became blurs as it fell heavier within a few minutes.
“OY! I think Hufflepuff Seeker sees the snitch!”

James head spun around. He soon saw the player who was flying the fastest and went after him. It wasn’t even minute before he caught up to the player who was diving toward to ground.

I couldn’t tell what was happening from my spot. I saw James look around then disappear all together.

“I think they lost it!” The commentator was squinting into the snow as he said this.
Soon enough, both James and the Hufflepuff were circling the sky once again. I heard a whistle blow and James hovered in one spot then descended to the ground.
“Team Captain.” muttered Remus next to me.
A blob of red was formed on the ground. I was barely able to tell any of the players apart. A few minutes later they dispersed and the game continued.
Some more passes were made. The quaffel was a tiny black spot in the sky amidst all the players. Gryffindor was only 10 points ahead. (100 to 90)

James was beginning to speed up. Was that a glint of gold? He moved forward and saw the little golden snitch. It zoomed away and he sped after it. He ignored the commentator who had too noticed the gold. He heard some one coming closer to him. Not taking his eye off the snitch he sped up, trying to keep the Hufflepuff in his range of view. James didn’t want to loose him. One game before, a Slytherin had come up from underneath him, nearly knocking him off his broom. He reached out his hand. The snitch was only about a foot away. The Hufflepuff was coming too close for comfort.
The boy shook his head, trying to get some snow off his glasses. The charm the captain had put on his glasses was wearing off, and little specks of white blocked his vision. He felt something bump against his palm. Quickly closing his hand, he was able to feel the little golden ball’s beating wings slow down then stop all together.

I saw James and the Hufflepuff speed through the sky, then eventually slow down. James hovered down to the ground and ran over to his teammates, his broom in one hand, and the snitch clutched in the other.
“Gryffindor caught the Snitch! Gryffindor wins the Quidditch cup!”
Most of the stadium broke out in applause and cheers.
Emily, Lily, Remus, Sirius, Peter, and I ran down to meet the players standing in the field. Most of the other Gryffindors followed us; wanting to congratulate their classmates. Lily ran forward and hugged James, who dropped everything in his hands. Sirius dog whistled from the forming crowd. James gladly hugged her back and kissed her on the cheek. When Lily didn’t pull back, he kissed her full on the mouth. When they broke apart, applause broke out through all of the Gryffindors. A trophy was handed to James. He held it in one hand, and kept his other around Lily’s waist. James looked afraid that this was just a dream and that Lily really wasn’t there. Emily looked absolutely delighted that her two friends were finally together. Sirius was cheering from next to her and Peter was yelling from Sirius’s other side. I looked up at Remus, who was smiling back down at me. As I turned back to Lily (who was blushing a deep red) I felt Remus’s hand slip into mine.

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oh and Happy Thanksgiving! (again)
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