Originally Posted by
Colley ♥
Lily kept sneaking glances down the table to see if Lexi was there yet. No? Okay. She would just look again in a few minutes. No problem. While she chewed, she wondered if she could talk Sage into switching seats with Lexi. Hehe.
...Wait a sec, what was she eating...? Peas. Gross.
Pay more attention, Moretti.
Originally Posted by
Eyes on the plate.. eyes on the plate..
It might have been the end of the year, but some things just didn't change. And Sage was as twitchy and as nervous as ever. He could literally feel Hecate's ominous presence down the table, and shuffled a little closer to Lily.
Feeling as if she might just be a little on the late side, Lexi Carlton hurried from her office and into the Great Hall. Realizing that she wasn't, as she'd thought, late to the feast, she slowed down upon reaching the door and then walked toward the staff table at a reasonable pace.
...and there sat her chair--just waiting on her to come and sit in it! Only, Lexi really wanted to spend this particular feast with Lily and Sage. This was the
Ending Feast, and what better way to spend it than alongside her two best friends?
As soon as she reached the table, Lexi charmed her chair to slide down a couple of spaces until she was right in between Sage and Lil.
"Hey," she said, giving Lily a playful grin as she got comfortable in her new spot. She'd move back down if the switch-a-roo turned out to be a problem, but as for now, she just wanted to spend the ending feast right where she was.