SPOILER!!: Loriiiiiii <3
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Turning her head at the voice of someone she actually NEEDED to see righ now, to get her through this torture, Lori wibbled a little seeing the concern plastered over the Head Girl's face. Something... as a student, Lori probably wouldn't see again. And that HURT.
"I dunno.. I just watched her put her head down and... maybe she's dead?"
... She hadn't seen the nod, she'd been to BUSY thinking. X3 ... O__________O
Lori squeaked, and jumped back a few seats, as the dead!small!kid burst into random sobs, and THEN proceeded to FLING herself at Lorelai and Sarah. The only way she'd been caught in the hug, was because she'd dashed back forward to hug the younger kid from behind as she noticed how puffy her eyes were. This wasn't right. A kid shouldn't be this sad... over Lorelai. Lori was nothing special, as much as she liked to tell herself she was. She was another, another student.
But she placed her one arm around Wesley, and her other around Sarah, and closed her eyes. "Gonna miss you, kid." Heck, she really was. From the hug, Lori opened her eyes only to see Trixie approaching, and gave the Slytherin a little... well.. it wasn't even a smile. It was a terrible attempt, feeble even. The corners of her mouth didn't turn up, and she didn't even look like she was trying to smile.
"Trix..." She began, but sighed again and watched the blonde curiously. "Wait? For who? Sarah and.. me?" OH HOW SUPER ADORABLY CUUUTE 
Lori looked on the verge of tears as well, and it was all making Sarah feel really bad. Wesley was acting weird, and they were all...Ohh, there just were no words to describe it.
Nodding as Lori filled her in on what she knew, Sarah vigorously shook her head when she said the last bit.
"Nooo, no. She's not - dead. Right Wesley?" Although she certainly wasn't good. Why did these situations have to be so hard?....So - neck-crunching? Reaching across as they were both hugged by Wesley, Sarah gripped Lori on the shoulder and smiled weakly at her.
"We'll get through this," she whispered.
From her perching position, Sarah looked back and forth between Lori and Trixie as the brunette spoke to her as well. She was so totally wishing she had bought presents now.
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Trixie sent back a wobbly smile, her eyes not the same bright hazel they usually were and she was certainly a lot paler. One of her hands was behind her back, squeezing hold of something she had got, or rather made the two Hufflepuffs.
"For both of you" she answered Lori's question quickly, glancing momentarily at them both before looking at her feet. Yeah the present was stupid but still, she wanted to give them something.
"I erm.. I wanted to thank you, for being such good friends these past 2 years...." she started but ended up swallowing half way through.
"And I'm really bad at buying anything that actually means something.." Unless it meant buying Oliver lightsabers, that wasn't really hard.
"So I made you one of these each" she passed out two
bracelets, hand woven but with a small four leaf clover charm, which obviously she didn't make, that would have been a little too hard. But the actual bracelet was her own handiwork.
"They're for Good Luck" she finished, looking down at her feet once again.
Wiping her eye with the sleeve of her robe, Sarah sniffed and blinked at Trixie. She had something for them both? Awww, this day just got worse and worse. Not that a present was bad - that was the sweetest thing ever - it was the fact she knew it was going to make her bawl like a baby in front of everyone.
"Oh Trixie," Sarah smiled, reaching up and rubbing her on the arm.
"You've been a great friend for us too, right Lori?" Looking across at her fellow 'Puff, her attention was drawn back though, when the Slytherin continued to talk.
"Oh my goodness..." She was actually speechless for the first time in a long time. A bracelet. A beautiful bracelet. Bottom lip wibbling, Sarah put her hand forward and took her gift from Trixie, examining it, before slipping it onto her wrist.
"It's beautiful. THANK YOU!" Now it was her turn to fling herself forward and hug someone. Gripping Trixie around the neck, Sarah sobbed into her shoulder.
"I'm going to miss you. I'm going to miss so much about this place and the people...and my friends who are staying. It's not fair." Not. Bloody. Fair.