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"I knoooow the world isnt fair",Fee sighed.
This wasnt how she had imagined the last days of the term to be. Whatever. As long as she could enjoy her time with her friends.
"I like you better smiling",she said smiling widely as she saw that tiny smile on her best friend's face.
A happy Rex made a happy Fee and both of the happy was gooood.
"But there is nothing to worry about,really",Fee reassured him.
He had enough pronlems on his own. Seriously.
" Yes, the world is not fair, but sometimes I think of going back to SweetWater" Rex told Fee. "Well, you will see a smile very little on me right now" Rex said to Fee. " Look, I see in your face there is something wrong" Rex explained to Fee. " Now are you going to tell me or does the "Tickle Monster" have to come out and get you?" Rex asked Fee.