Originally Posted by
Luna Laufghudd
It was a rarity, Maya was speechless and had to actually stare at this next creature for a moment. And then she wondered wether the older Lockhart had actually done this by hand, by herself... heh. Was she as sneaky as her little brother?
Hm hmhmhmmm.
Okay, happy day, happy...words. "That is quite exellent, Miss Lockhart. I do think it's one of the best I've seen." In this class, that is. Pffft. "You are quite talented." And if she wanted to, that little manticore could be running after her for a day.
Melanie held up her manticore when she realized the professor was looking at it, a feeble smile forming on her face. Her grin only grew wider as Professor Saylen spoke, until she was practically beaming at the woman.
"Really?" she asked, a note of disbelief in her voice. Excellent? Talented? For reals? Or was her professor just playing mind games?
"You know, I thought it looked too cute to be a manticore." Melanie told her, gazing thoughtfully at her creature once more.
"I guess most people that see manticores get devoured by them though... so we don't really know how cute they are. They could be adorable... ferocious, creppy and all, but still downright cute."
Enough rambling.
She had to admit it would be pretty awesome to have a little creature of her own creation come to life, but she had her doubts. And with her doubts came questions.
"Professor, if you brought it to life wouldn't it try to... well..." How did one put it?
"...kill us all?" Melanie finished, raising her hand. Her manticore might be small, but she did paint pretty sharp teeth on it
and it had a little stinger and claws.