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Old 10-23-2004, 09:50 AM   #9 (permalink)
Exploding Aardvark 47
Red Cap
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: The Persistence of Memory
Posts: 77

Gary the lonely first year wanders over to the Slytherin seat, getting one that is nowehere near any other students. Starting at this trange new school has been exceptionally hard,especially as he's in a house supposedly filled with ambitious people and once having many Dark wizards and such...while he thinks that the history of the house is quite fascinating, he's not sure he'd ever really get the hang of any dark arts if he was ever expected to...aside from maybe dark creatures, as he really likes animals. Not really paying attention to all the toing and froing of the game and such, gary just strokes his sleeping ferret's fur gently, shivers in the cold wind and hopes he can get through the year...he really has no idea about anyone here, and is rather depressed about it. Making friends has never been easy, talking to people being a major obstacle and such.

"Well" he sighs to his ferret" at least I have you. Ferrets are better than people anyway..."
Never tickle a sleeping dragon. Very wise words, those...
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