Hello ~Otty. I read this 8 minutes after you posted, but was too sleepy to comment. And plus I wanted to savor it for a while. There are things that should be done together like reading then commenting. Watching a great movie, then talking about it... But sometimes, even though you should you don't. Like when you eat some absolutely wonderful smooth chocolate, and you wait to brush your teeth because it makes the delight go away. (But then you brush anyway so your teeth don't rot.) It's the same reason I wanted to savor your post. I would be done till the next time you post. So, I've been savoring it. But, now I feel guilty about not commenting right away.
So, about your post. In case you haven't got the message, I loved it!
It seemed so silly, like something some amateur filmmaker would do, it wasn’t anything sophisticated and heavens knew it had been done countless times in so may films, the contrast of red on white, blood on snow, a red cloak on a field of falling cherry tree leaves, silly things like that. If only this were a silly little film like that. If only this wasn’t her lover’s life bleeding out on her white gloved hands.
Wonderful! ~Otty
Madison has saved Freddy, and I'm SOOOOOO happy about that. He is in a bad way still, but he'll recover, only to find they are in dire straits! And maybe worse than we fear! Werewolves and Vampires don’t play nice together do they? What will Madison have to do, well, actually truth be told… I think she can handle them. AND, I’m wondering if she is where she needs to be so she can do what she went there for. To get something from them to save our poor Ottery. It’s just that they’re so scary!
~Otts I want to try to keep this short, but I can’t help but rave on about your writing. You know I’ve always loved it, but I don’t know, it seems different. You seem to be more creative and critical with it. I’m not talking about your creativity with your story. But, like I’m loving how each new sequence opens up with a beautifully painted canvas telling of beauty and purity set against brutal savagery, calm and turmoil, living and dying. And then you magically set the canvas in motion with your dialogue you give your characters. I tell you I’m loving it.
Well, I didn’t keep it short did I? But I love your story regardless if I’m making sense or not. I’ll be watching for your next post.