Hello Allison.
Kreacher looked somewhat taken aback by my offense. "Well...I guess you can see it.
I'm somewhat suprised at his letting her see it. Does he sense he can trust her?
"In a second Mrs. Weasley!" I called back. I turned back to face Kreacher who was eyeing me curiously. I took his hand and placed the locket back into his own.
She's fast becoming a friend to him, and she doesn't even know it.
I nodded. Dumbledore lowered his face slightly so that he could look at me over his glasses. "I am sorry about this Abby. It is worth knowing that we believe she merely acted out of love and not out of any true loyalty to Voldemort."
I'm glad he told her that. I can't imagine what she must be going through!
"Are you sure you don't want anything Albus?" Mrs. Weasley asked. Dumbledore eyed my food longingly, before taking a sniff. "Ah...yes, yes, I'll have some if you'd be so kind."
It isn't good to turn down breakfast especially if your hungry. Plus, I wonder if maybe he wants to talk with Abby about some things.
"With my help and some very strategic following," said Dumbledore.
Ahh! I can't wait to find out what he's got cooking.
Great post Allison. I really am anxious to read more. But, don't let it keep you from your NANO writing.