Thread: Other: My Life Flipped - Sa16+
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Old 11-23-2010, 04:34 AM   #17 (permalink)
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: 12 Grimmauld Place
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Matt Lanter/The Dark Side/Anakin Skywalker/ Underland/Hookah Smoking Caterpillar

Here's the next part. If you recognize anything its from HBP. Enjoy

“Are you ready for today?” Emily asked coming up to me that afternoon.
I bit my lip. “Not really” I finally muttered.
Lily appeared on Emily’s other side.
“I can’t wait to learn to Apparate.” She said excitedly.
Emily and Lily were talking. Last night, Lily had skimmed over a book on Apparating she had found in the library and was giving tips to Emily.
“Remember the three D’s.” She said. “Destination, Determination, Deliberation.”
I heard Emily mutter that under her breath.
All of the other sixth year students were also filing into the Great Hall. The usual four tables were pushed up against the wall and instead were a hundred or so wooden hoops laying on the floor.
“You ready?” The breath that brushed against the back of my neck made me jump.
“No.” I replied looking at my friend.
Remus put his arm around my shoulder.
“You’ll be fine.” he said.
“Easy for you to say. You and Lily,” I glanced at my redhead friend still jabbering away with Emily, “know what your doing.”
“Actually, I don’t. But, how hard can it be?” he said smiling.
I stood in front of a hoop on the floor. Remus took the position on my left and Emily on my right. I saw Sirius and James enter the Great Hall after us. They stood farther to the back of the room.
A ministry wizard stood in the front of the room. He was talking to Professor Dumbledore and Professor Slughorn. He was a short, plump man, with graying hair and bright blue robes on.
The Headmaster then left along with the Slytherin Head of House. The ministry wizard pointed his wand at his throat, mutter a spell, and his voice reverberated off the walls.
“Today will be your first lesson in Apparating. I will be your teacher for the next 12 weeks . Hopefully, by the end of that time, You will be able to pass your Apparition Test when you come of age.” He paused and looked around at the students. “Professor Dumbledore has lifted the enchantment around the Great Hall to practice Apparating. It would be foolish to try and Apparate out of this room.” He glared at some Slytherins ho were goofing off.
“Now, the first thing is to remember the three D’s.” I saw Emily and Lily exchange looks. Emily was grinning and repeating what Lily told her under her breath.
“Destination, Determination, and Deliberation. First focus on your destination, which in this case is the inside of your hoop. Then focus your determination to occupy the visualized space. Last, Turn on the spot and move with deliberation. Fell your way into nothingness.” He paused again.
“On my count of three. One- Two- Three!”
I saw some students struggle, turn around, then fall. Others made it half way to their hoop. Remus was only one of the few who had gotten anywhere near their hoop. The Ministry wizard was watching the students intently. I focused on the hoop five feet in front of me. After a few seconds I turned around.
I felt a pull in the small of my back. My surroundings disappeared momentarily then reappeared. Struggling to stay standing, I made to move back to where I was originally standing but an agonizing pain shot up the back of my leg and I stumbled. I looked around at my left leg. My stockings were torn behind my knee and blood was gushing over my clothes. My stomach lurched as I saw three gaping wounds around my calf.
“Seneca!” Emily saw the blood drain from my face and came to my side. Remus was instantly there as well, holding me up in a sitting position. I was close to fainting. More people crowded around to see what was happening. I saw Lily’s mouth momentarily hang open then she muttered something to a neighbor. The ministry wizard apparated over to my side and poured something on my leg. The flesh and muscle grew over the wound quickly.
“Splinching.” He said loud enough for every one to hear, “The separation of body parts.” He looked around. “It happens when the mind is insufficiently determined.”
He moved away and the students dispersed. Remus stayed where he was and helped me up.
“You ok?”
I nodded slowly.
It would have helped if he had told us that before we started, I thought.
Emily patted my shoulder and went back to her hoop. She looked a little hesitant about Apparating now. The rest of the hour passed. I only tried once more, but I got nowhere. Luckily, I wasn’t the only one who had the splinching problem. One boy in Ravenclaw completely lost his hand and a girl in Hufflepuff got a chunk taken out of her shoulder.
By the end of the time, The ministry wizard didn’t look too upset with us.
“We’ll resume next week.” He then briskly walked out of the Great Hall.
Remus put his arm over my shoulder. “You still look pale.” he said and steered me out of the Great Hall. Lily and Emily closely followed behind me.
“It could have been worse.” said Lily reassuringly.
I tried to smile, but couldn’t.
“Let’s go back to the common room.” suggested Emily. “She really doesn’t look well.”

Tell me what you think! I like constructive criticism.
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