Two new photos of Daniel Radcliffe by Ethan Hill to promote
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I were featured in Malaysia's
M2 magazine, which also has new photo shoot images of Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, and Tom Felton. For now, the images of Dan can be found in our
galleries, including the cover shot.

If anyone can get the other scans, including the new images of Rupert, Emma, and Tom, please feel free to
send them in.
Jason Isaacs
spoke a bit about his character Lucius Malfoy in the films, and credited Dan for being given the chance to speak with the signature drawl he used in the series for the malevolent Death Eater.
“I got the part, and I thought, ‘I’d better watch what the first one was like,’” says Isaacs. “And then I realized to my horror that Alan Rickman was in the first film, and utterly brilliant. Nobody does sinister like Alan Rickman. I thought, ‘If I’m going to do something, it’d better be unbelievably extreme.’”
“Chris [Columbus] panicked. He asked David Heyman, the producer, to come to my dressing room and talk to me. So David came, and said, ‘I understand you’re doing a, uh, funny voice. What is it?’ I told him who it was a combination of, and he was slightly horrified.”
Thankfully, a particularly important member of the Potter cast came to Isaacs’ defense. “We came down to the set to shoot,” says Isaacs, “and Chris said, ‘I don’t know. I’m not sure anybody really speaks like that.’ And Daniel [Radcliffe], thank God, said, ‘I think it’s really cool.’
Chris turned to him, and being the generous and playful soul that he is, said, ‘Well, let’s try it.’ I tried it, and it stuck. What was funny was, every time we’d do a take, Chris would come up and go, [in an American accent], ‘That was great, it was wonderful. Let’s just shoot one more, for safety, and if you could pull it back just, like, 80 or 90 percent.’”
The newest issue of Entertainment Weekly promises more features on the Harry Potter villians; if anyone has a copy, scans can be sent
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Deathly Hallows: Part I discussion, especially if you've seen the movie!
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I has now been released worldwide. Click on the banner below to
order tickets for the film at Fandango. Tickets are also on sale now in the UK; head over to the Harry Potter official
UK Facebook for more information.