HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
Oh Jeez.
Trixie HAD been enjoying a casual stroll around Hogwarts grounds, you know, just taking in the view before the summer began, but there was no such thing as QUIET in Hogwarts was there? And before long the blonde's eyes had literally been dragged over to the Whomping Willow where her best friend was stood about to do something completely stupid knowing him.
And her being her, was stupid enough to go see what stupid thing he was up to. And probably then get herself involved as well. Ah well.
The seventeen year old, oh that felt good saying, changed her direction and headed towards him instead. Madness. Seriously. "Oliver whatever it is your about to do" which probably involved severing a branch off the willow or something. "Don't get yourself killed" she rolled her eyes.
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