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Old 11-21-2010, 05:09 AM
DH Vixen DH Vixen is offline
Default History of Magic Final

The classroom is once again back to normal. All the desks and chairs neatly in a row and equally spaced apart from each other. Professor Welton is behind her desk, slightly a little worse for wear. Not as bubbly as usual, but there is still a smile on her face.

On each desk, a single piece of parchment, a copy of the exam and a quill. On the board in the front of the room, it stated that students were to take their seats and once they were ready, they could begin their exam. Once done, they are to turn their parchment into Professor Welton and they could take a sugar quill upon leaving the classroom. If there are questions, do raise your hand and those question were to be answered if possible. Do take your time, but remember that sometimes less is more.

History of Magic Final

Part One: (worth 10 points)
Pick any famous battle in history, magical or non, and discuss how it was viewed through the eyes of both a magical and muggle. Please include how the two would differ in view points and why this difference was present.
Part Two: (worth 10 points)
Discuss a magical event, person, or place what was depicted in either a fairy tale, legend, myth, or superstition. Include how it was viewed and any backstory to it. Include how it was spread throughout history and why it may hold an important in history.
Part Three: (worth 10 points)
Choose one inhabitant of Hogwarts and in their eyes, describe how they would have viewed an historical event at Hogwarts. Do site events and just how their own personal experiences might sway how they reacted to such events.

OCC: I'm looking for at least 3-4 paragraphs minimum for each part. Each paragraph should at least be four sentences long. You will have until midnight EST of November 22 to submit the final. There will be no credit for late entries.