Inside Kitty | HIT ENTER | UNO Queen Quote:
Originally Posted by Tegz What was gonna happen when he answered her? Jimmy didn't answer immediately either. He was thinking. A lot. About everything. He didn't WANT To like, you know, like her as much as he did. Like wasn't even the right word but he wasn't about to let himself think of other words. He was only a fifth year for Circe's sake! And Neptune was HARD WORK and he really did think that things were a mess and that they needed to know each other better. Or not better, just differently.
"I think thats what I mean." Oddly quiet James Wilkes. "I don't.... trust you." He didn't trust her not to be fickle and demanding and couldn't possibly picture a world where he let her have the upper hand and it kiiiinda felt like that was something slipping away from him. He wanted to DO stuff for her. It was kind of RIDICULOUS.
"I don't know what that changes except maybe knowing where we stand. And... it'd be nice if people knew we were friends..." And it'd be nice to feel appreciated and wanted for something other than snogging and how good he knew he could make her feel.
"I dunno." He stayed there, holding her, all quiet and thoughtful.
Neptune bit her lip to keep from telling him just HOW DUMB it was that he didn't trust HER. She'd... she'd ... just... it didn't make ANY sense at all to her. But, to be fair, not much with Jim did make sense.
It was ALL wrong ALL the time. From the first day, to this - Jim Wilkes did e v e r y t h i n g wrong.
And yet.... that wrongness was everything right in Neptune's world.
She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Okay. Friends for all to see." That wasn't totally clear though, was it? They were going to take away all the secrety dating and notes and kisses... "You'll sit with me sometime and partner up with me in class. Sometimes." Neptune brought her hands around to rest at his front and idly fumbled with the buttons of his shirt. |