11-19-2010, 12:22 AM
Muggle Studies Final Upon entering the Muggle Studies classroom you notice...nothing out of the ordinary really. The only thing that strikes you as different are the pieces of parchment which had neatly been placed on each of the desks with a white quill next to them. "Please have a seat." Professor Zookara said with a smile, gesturing at the vacant seats from behind his desk. On the board there is a small message from the professor saying: Do not open the examination papers until instructed to do so.
As soon as everybody had taken a seat Jeremy went to stand up and face the class. "As soon as you've finished please pack up your things quietly, hand in your exam and walk through that door-" He nodded towards a door to his right. "-which will lead you to the practical part of this exam." Then after a short pause he added with a grin, "You may open your exam paperssss....NOW!" Dundundun.
Each of the provided quills had been bewitched with an Anti-Cheating Spell which was why Jeremy simply sat on his desk, lazily glancing around the classroom and waiting for them to hand their exams in. OOC: You may RP your character having a seat and doing the exam, however DO NOT post your answers here but PM them to me (Lislchen). Deadline for both the written and the practical part of the final is November 23rd at 7am GMT. I cannot accept any late submissions as I won't be able to add the points anymore. Classroom Rules apply here obviously. Lesson 1: Here and here Lesson 2: Here Lesson 3: Here