Matthew Lewis participated in a press conference in Santiago, Chile on Monday to promote
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I. Photos of the Neville Longbottom actor can be found, courtesy of
Terra, in our
voiced his opinion of the two-part split, Neville's big scene with Voldemort in Part II, and his future career options during the press conference.
Lewis defended the decision to split the final book in the saga into two movies, because "when you have a film of two hours, although it is long, you lose many things in the book because you have to keep things as they were before."
"When you have two movies you can put everything into, the fans want to see it. Things with are defined with the first half and finished with the second movie," he said.
"When you do something for so long it feels a little weird to know that you will not do more. Ten years is a long time, and we are all prepared to go forward and do something different. I do not feel sad, because we are very proud of what we have done, "he said.
"I'd be a rock star, but I'm an actor and I'm 100 percent focused on that. If music is crucial, I might wish to consider that path, but at the moment I do it for fun. I enjoy playing and writing, but I remain open to other options, such as theater," he said.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will be released November 19, 2010, and July 15, 2011. Click on the banner below to pre-order tickets for Part I at Fandango. Tickets are also on sale now in the UK; head over to the Harry Potter official
UK Facebook for more information.