late reply, shame on me! a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means Quote:
Originally Posted by Anais She smiled apologetically at her and continued. "Oh, no, not at all. I'm from New Zealand, so you can imagine what I had to get through to be here now. I'm still suffering a bit from jet-lag, since my plane got here this morning." she admitted, then thought over the words she had just spoken. Wizards knew what planes were...right? Ahh well. At least she could blend in, being Muggle-born herself.
She gave out a little laugh. "You're lucky. I have no idea..." she said with a frustrated sigh, rubbing her temples. Then an idea formed in her head. "Would you mind helping me out a little with this?" She asked hopefully, giving off an innocent-puppydog look. "Only if you want to." She added quickly in a polite tone. "Magical Law Enforcement sounds too strict, Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes sounds too risky, Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures sounds too animal-abuse, Department of International Magical Cooperation sounds" she said, a smile appearing on her face. "I think I'd like that!" "You took the plane here?" Leanne asked curiously. Most wizards and witches didn't do that, perhaps she was muggle born or as herself; half and half.
She laughed as she listened to Adrienne. "Seems like you did well on your own." she winked. "International Magical Cooperation does indeed sound good. Was one of the departments that I thought about applying to."
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