Originally Posted by
Connie Hello Emily. Very nice writing.
Thanks, Connie.
This one thing kind of bothers me though. And it isn't wrong or bad or anything like that but I don't know, it's almost like it's a choice she has to make, or a challenge from George. But at the same time it is meant I think to be an encouragement for her. I hope I am explaining what I'm thinking without criticizing or faulting you, because it is'nt either thing. Anyway, this is the part.
It's not a challenge at all, nor a choice... It's just him encouraging her that everything will be okay. I don't really see how can be construed as a challenge or choice, it was just him being there for her and letting her know that they can get through these losses together and that, though it will hurt for a while, they will be able to get through this.